Getting Ready For A Consultation With An Automobile Accident Attorney

Auto accident injury attorneys can take a look at the details of your personal injury case to see if you have a claim to file against a liable party. Most auto accident attorneys will offer you a free initial consultation. This is a time for you to learn more about the merits of your claim, and for your lawyer to decide if your claim is worth going after. The extent of your injuries, your share of liability for the accident, and your ability to prove what happened are taken into consideration in an initial consultation. The more information you can bring to this appointment, the easier it will be to assess your case.

Your Medical Records From Treatment

Your medical records are a vital piece of information to bring to an initial consultation with an auto accident injury attorney. You may want to bring your records from the previous few years, especially if your medical history is extensive. Your attorney will need to be able to prove that your injuries are in line with the accident and not due to a previously treated condition. Any records you have from your treatment providers, including the emergency room, will help your automobile accident attorney figure out your case.

A List of Your Losses

Your losses are important when it comes to filing a personal injury claim. Lost wages are added up, as well as property damage that you might need to pay for. If you have medical bills from the accident, these are also considered potential losses. When you aren't able to work, future lost wages may be taken into account. If you are permanently disabled, your attorney will begin to discuss your future losses, pain, and suffering as part of your compensation.

Reports From the Accident

Officials that respond to the scene of your auto accident are responsible for writing an accident report. You are entitled to receive a copy of any accident reports written on your behalf. Bring a copy of all accident reports to your initial consultation, as these will include the names and contact information of anyone involved, including witnesses.

Your initial consultation with an auto accident injury attorney is your chance to provide all the information you can so that an attorney can assess the merits of your case. Collect your medical records, get the accident report, and write down all the details you can remember of the accident to help your attorney.
