3 Instances When You Should Get A Personal Injury Attorney Involved

If you have recently been involved in an accident of any kind, such as an auto accident or slip and fall accident, the recovery costs can add up quickly. Because of this, it is important that you consult with an injury attorney as soon as possible to determine if you have a solid case for compensation. Here are three instances when it is crucial to schedule a consultation with a personal injury attorney:

You Have Sustained Serious Injuries

Medical expenses tend to be one of the largest expenses following an accident, in addition to being one of the most important reasons to consult with and hire a personal injury attorney. In many cases, you may not realize that you are injured immediately following the accident, as there are some injuries like whiplash that will not appear until some time later. Therefore, it is important that you hire an attorney as soon as you realize that you have injuries, even if you believe they are small, as they may be larger than you realize and cause life-long or expensive care.

You Are Having a Problem with the Insurance Company

If you or the other driver's insurance company is not covering the costs that you think they should be responsible for, you may find it difficult to navigate this terrain on your own. Luckily, that's where the experience and expertise of a personal injury attorney comes in. He or she is familiar with the tactics that insurance companies use and can move the settlement process along. If a negative judgment has already been made, the lawyer may be able to help you in seeking a reversal of said judgment.

You Are Dealing with Another Lawyer in the Case

If the other driver or insurance company has brought in a lawyer, then it is time to hire your own lawyer. Regardless of whether you know that you were not in the wrong in the accident, a capable attorney will be able to use a variety of legal tricks to make it look as if you were in the wrong, so it is important that you have your own competent attorney on your side to keep the case on track and in your favor.

If you find yourself in one of these situations or feel that you are in need of an attorney after an accident, get in touch with a local personal injury attorney sooner rather than later.
