Getting Compensation For Your Child’s Birth Defect

Bringing a newborn into the world is an amazing feeling, but that feeling of joy and triumph can quickly become one of heartache if it becomes clear that your child was born with a serious birth defect. It can feel even worse if the birth defect clearly occurred because of a mistake made by someone other than the parents. Perhaps a doctor or nurse in the delivery room made a serious mistake that has now saddled your child with something he or she will have to live with for their entire lives. If this is the case, you should know that you do have rights, including the possible right to financial compensation on behalf of your child. But if you are going to pursue a legal case for a birth defect, you'll need to hire a professional in birth defect law.

Hire a Lawyer Before You Do Anything Else

Going after any medical professional or a medical institution like a hospital is not something that should be taken lightly. Most hospitals and even individual doctors have the resources to hire their own attorneys and you can be sure they will fight to preserve their reputation. If you are accusing someone of malpractice, you will need your own professional who understands the ins and outs of birth defect law. A local attorney may be able to help.

Medical Malpractice Can Occur in the Delivery Room When a Medical Professional Deviates From Accepted Practice

Did your doctor make a last-minute change that was outside the scope of your delivery plan? Did he or she respond to a sudden emergency in less than ideal fashion? When it comes to delivering babies, there are certain medical practices that have stood the test of time. A seasoned medical professional will know what to do and not do during just about any situation that arises during the birthing process. If it's clear to you that someone in the delivery room did something outside the scope of what's considered normal, this may require additional scrutiny. A good lawyer may be able to use this act to prove that medical malpractice occurred during the delivery of your child.

Negligence Can Also Lead to injury

Sometimes, though, it's not what the medical professional did, but what they did not do that could have led to the birth injury or defect. Did a doctor or nurse ignore clear warning signs and not make the proper adjustment? Was a medical professional simply ignorant of what was happening and forged forward with a standard procedure because they sincerely did not recognize that something was wrong?  As a patient, you expect to get the very best care from your medical professionals, and failing to get that care because a doctor or nurse was not properly educated on the right thing to do can be infuriating, especially if this negligence led to an injury.

For more information about birth defect law, contact a local attorney.
