Should You Contact An Attorney After A Dog Bite?

A dog attack can significantly impact your health and life in general. It can lead to rabies, blood loss, tendon and muscle damage, infections, and psychological trauma. Thus, pet owners should care for their dogs to prevent attacks on third parties. You can sue a dog owner for compensation if they are negligent with their pet leading to an attack on you. However, pursuing a compensation claim for a dog bite can be a difficult task; hence it's advisable to seek the services of a dog bite attorney. These are personal injury lawyers with expertise in handling claims arising from injuries from dog attacks. Here's an overview of ways they can help with your case. 

They Investigate the Incident and Provide Legal Advice 

Not all dog bite incidents should end up in personal injury claims. That's because courts consider the circumstances surrounding the dog attack. For instance, for your claim to be successful, you have to prove that a pet owner knew the dog's behavior, could have prevented the attack by exercising reasonable care, and failed to do that by letting their dog stray. On the other hand, issues such as trespassing and provocation on the pet lift liability from the dog owner. Therefore, after a dog bite, you should contact a personal injury attorney and explain the facts of the incident. They'll advise you on whether you have a reasonable claim to pursue and the next steps. That includes information about the dog owner, pictures of the incident, witness statements, and documentation. 

They Help Maintain A Good Relationship with the Dog Owner

Most dog bite cases involve people who know each other, such as neighbors. The worst thing you would want is a strained relationship with them because of a court case. At the same time, you have to protect your rights and deserve to receive compensation for medical bills and loss of income. An attorney can act as a mediator in the case and help reach a peaceful resolution. They explain to the dog owner the laws regarding pet negligence and that your claim is not a personal attack. They also make them understand that compensation claims from dog bites are not criminal charges and are similar to having a motor vehicle insurance company pay for an accident caused.

They Represent You in Negotiations and Court Cases

Dog bite attorneys have experience and professional knowledge in personal injury claims. They are the best people to represent you in negotiations with insurance companies and prove your case in court. For example, when negotiating with an insurance company, they factor all issues beyond the immediate medical bills. That includes emotional pain and suffering, future medical bills from the incident, loss of income, and ability to earn income. Regarding court cases, they help prove that the pet owner was negligent in their actions or omissions leading to a dog bite.
